15 June 2019

Git Repository Clean Up


After you have been developing a project for some time your local [[git]] repo becomes detached from the repository on 'origin'. Having loads of local branches that are not needs because they have been merged in already. Or all of the remote branches that are no longer on the remote. There are a few commands you can run to clean things up a bit when you feel things are getting cluttered.

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10 April 2019

Create git tag on last non merge commit


I have been putting a lot of emphasis on generating change logs using conventional change log. Unfortunately the dev community has gone towards squashing and merging. As a result of this conventional changeling doesn't work of the tag is on a merge commit. This command will generate a tag on the last non merge commit to ensure our changelog works.

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17 August 2018

SSH key setup for ssh and git


For me, ssh gets used daily, from logging to remove servers and virtual machines to pushing and pulling code with [[git]]. To make this process a bit better you can set up ssh key pairs. This provides better security and for your main production servers and passwordless auth for your git servers and any other lower priority server.

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